I participate in helping to design the HFD kits, since I've been a CT for Crafty Scraps. This is the Second HUGE MEGA kit that I have participated in, and let me tell you it is HUGE!
Here's how it works. You will SNAG your 1st pieces from Crafty Scraps blog, then from there she will tell you where the next stop is to find more treasured pieces, and so on and so on....eventually, you will be directed back to me, and then I will send you to the next person, (I'll tell you that in a minute *wink*).
After you have collected all the pieces (I believe there are 14 this month!), then the Last stop will send you to the forum, where you can get the rules and what to do. Basically, you just create one Layout using the pieces you find and then post at the Crafty Scraps forum and WAA-LAA, you are eligable for this HUGE MEGA kit! It's that easy!

Here is the HFD FREEBIE

Be sure you don't miss out on this kit...and NOT ALL of the pieces of this kit are shown, it's that HUGE!
I can't wait to see what you all make! Hurry! I'm excited to see what you make! :-)
OH! While you are in the forum, be sure to keep checking the CT Freebie QP's. I plan to start posting more of my QP's there, too. *wink*
Before I move on, I also wanted to remind you that Michelle, of Crafty Scraps, has a HUGE selection of goodies in her store at Crafty Scraps Store. The Prices are AWESOME, too! Make sure you visit and see what all you can find...You will be glad you did! You better make sure you have some time to spend shopping / browsing! Seriously!! *wink*
Now...the next thing I wanted to share with you is also, in the Crafty Scrap Forum there is a challenge for a Bordom Buster Brag Book that I make a couple of pages for too. You know what a Brag Book is, right? One us mamaw's can carry in our purse and show off our little darlings anytime we find someone who will look! LOL I know I do! LOL These pages are 7-inches wide x 5-inches high, so convenient to carry in your car, purse, suit case, where ever you go so you can show people your family, or just have them with you. :-) Here is a LO I made using my niece, Diana and some scenic photos from one of her vacations. I just love this LO...Thanks Diana for all the lovely scenic photos you shared with me, too! *hug*
Cute huh? I love this one...I might have to re-do this in an 8x10 so I can include it in my album...or I just might use this 5x7 and work around it. :-)
I also made a 2nd one for this BB8-Brag Book Challenge... I didn't make a LO this time, just the QP, here's the preview
I really like this one! Can you believe it...they are made from the same KIT! You will definitely have to go to that challenge and see if you can make a page or 2 too! And I you will get all of these BB8-bb pages if you do. Be sure you go read and find out more for yourselves. :-)
There is one more thing I want to show you before I leave the NEWS area...lol
I used elements from the HFD26 Challenge kit and made this awesome QP!
Isn't this a cute page?!!! I love this kit...so if you want to design your're own QP or LO, too, get on over to Crafty Scraps Forum and get to BLOG HOPPING to find the HIDDEN pieces you need to make your own LO/QP for the challenge. Then POST it in the forum and you, too, will be able to make pages like this one! OH! You say you would like this QP? Well, guess what? If you CLICK on the preview, it will take you to the download page! How cool is that? LOL :-) Don't forget to leave some love, let me know I am appreciated. *wink*
Now for the last and really good news... I applied with a designer to be a Script Tester for her. At this time she doesn't have anything available. And that's ok...I can wait! LOL She did add me to her BACK-UP list, meaning if she needs a back-up person to test for her, I would be one of those. YES! I was so thrilled to hear that! I am excited to get to be a tester for her one day, her work is AWESOME! Who, you ask? First, let me show you what I am talking about. I used one of her FREEBIE kits to make a LO for my brother's 50th Wedding Anniversary album. See what you think about her art work. ***hang on, I'll tell you in a second...geeese...lol** The kit used is called A ROYAL WEDDING
Isn't this artwork awesome? Here's a preview of the kit I used...(pssst, it's part of a BLOG train, you can still SNAG it! Go get it! LOL)
I LOVE this kit and it was perfect for the colors I needed. The little Bride and Groom, that are sitting on the CAKE in my LO above, you can purchase the SCRIPT and I think the Template, too, in one of the stores Pink sells at. Be sure to check her blog out to get more info on that. The list is on the right side of her blog.
OK...I give...by now, I am sure you guessed who the new Designer is. I want to be a TESTER of her scripts, yes, it is Pinks Poetic Scraps and you really, really should go visit her blog and don't forget to stop by her stores too!! They are AWESOME!! Tell her Candie sent y'a. LOL
If you like my LO page and would like the matching QP, I have permission from Pinks Poetic Scraps to share it with you! It is for your own PERSONAL use, only. As is everything I share here, unless otherwise stated. :-) I do not design everything I use in my shares, and all of the TOU's are different, so the safest way for me, is to keep it on a PERSONAL USE level. I hope you understand. *hug*
Here's the preview of the QP I made from my LO.
Don't forget, leave me some "love" when you download. *wink* That let's me know if you like it or not. And tells me if I should keep sharing or not. *wink*
The next QP I would like to share with you is called HOT COCOA TIME, this kit was created by Crafty Scrap's own Michelle. Here's the preview of this cute kit.
Here's a LO I made using this kit...
If you would like the matching QP, just click on the QP's preview for the link.
I would love to see what you do with this one, I KNOW Crafty Scraps' Michelle would too! Please feel free to share any LO's you might make using any of these QP's. We really would like to see them. *hug*
The next one I have for you Is called "Gingers", these are individual embies not a kit. I just picked from here and there and threw this one together. I made a LO of this one for my Recipe Cookbook [remember, I'm working on one?]. LOL Here's a preview of my recipe page.
And here's a preview of the QP I made from this LO
If you would like this QP, just click on the preview below. :-)
Ok, I think that is all I have at this time. Be sure you come back and visit me again real soon. I'm trying to get some more pages for the 50th Wedding Anniversary Album finished as well as working on my Scrapbook Cookbook too. Take care, and I do hope you have LOTS of fun shopping at Crafty Scraps and Pinks Poetic Scraps. OH...and don't forget there is a challenge (Mega Scrap Kit) going on over at Scrap Kit Challenge. It's now at Facebook and you can see all the designers who participated and snag their portions of this kit. Here's a preview of my part as a reminder...Look in my last couple of post for more details if you want and for the downloads for my part. *wink*
Does this ring a bell now? LOL Get on over there and get to snagging! Make a LO or QP or two and share with us at the Facebook site. We would LOVE to see them!
Take care...and as I said drop back soon to see me again. Thank you for coming. Maybe God Bless you and Keep you Safe till next time. *hugz*
PS...I think I pre-posted this by accident, if it did, I'm sorry, I hit POST instead of LINK...lol Sorry. My bad! LOL

Heya¡my very first comment on your site. ,I have been reading your blog for a while and thought I would completely pop in and drop a friendly note. . It is great stuff indeed. I also wanted to ask..is there a way to subscribe to your site via email?
Unexplained Weight Loss
Yes Gastrosugery, you can subscribe to my blog, there is a button on the top right side of my blog, SUBSCRIBE HERE, click that and follow the instructions.
Unfortunately, there has been a crisis in my family and I am not BLOGGING these days, nor am I designing or sharing. You are welcome to SNAG anything from my blog if you want. :-)
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