I have a special request before I continue with my post. I am asking for a SPECIAL PRAYER CHAIN REQUEST.
Yes...I am pleading with all of you who believe and pray, to pray for a friend and co-worker that my husband and son works with. He lost his 18 yr old son to multiple "blood clots" in his lungs last week. The Dr's said this could be heridetary and requested that the whole family be checked. I think the other children checked out ok...I haven't heard any different. Chris (the father) got a call from the HOSPITAL while at work today. His wife was admitted into the hospital [with multiple blood clots in her lungs as well]. Please pray for her, and pray the lord will have mercy on this family and spare Chris' wife. Would you do that, please? Also, pray the children are ok and that HE will keep them from harm. God Bless each and everyone of you for your love and prayers. Miracles do work through prayer...so let us all pray, together.
I will let you know when I find out anything else.
OH MY GOSH!... My friend, Sharon, used one of the pages I shared yesterday, [QP8] she tweeked it a bit to suit her purpose...and I want you to see what she did...
Here's a preview of the original that I shared...
QP8 [Bride getting ready at the chruch]
and after doing her magic, this is what she did!!!Sharon's Grand-Daughter [Easter Chicks]
Isn't this just the most adorable page?!! I love it!!!
See! I told you these didn't have to be used JUST for the weddings. Well, maybe a couple of them do. *wink*.But, most of them are versatile...don't you think? Great job, Sharon, and TY so much for sharing this with me and allowing me to show this beautiful child on my blog. She's a cutie, that's for sure. :-) *wink*
I was playing around with a kit by Karel of Art and Scraps, and using her kit,
"THE GLORY OF SPRING", [preview #1]
THE GLORY OF SPRING_Art and Scraps [preview #2]
I made a QP to share with you. This is designed to be an 8x10-inch page at 300pixels per inch.
I was really pleased with the way this one turned out. If you want this one, you can grab it HERE
I also decided I had the PERFECT photo [s] for this page so I decided to make a LO as well... this is my page...
"My Sweet Magnolia"

There are many other uses for this QP, as well... but this helps to give you an idea. I hope it does anyway. :-)
Now...for those pages you have been waiting for...:-) OH...did you take advantage of the April Fools sale going on at Treasured Scraps? I hope you did. You will be glad you did, if you did. :-) If you didn't, you better hurry, it's today only!
Today, I am giving you two very special pages used in a wedding.
1. The first one is to capture that special moment...when the bride comes walking through the door and the groom sees her for the first time...
2. and the other half of this page is for the that speical moment when the bride comes through the door and she sees her groom for the first time.
Psssst....Somebody better have those cameras ready, you can NOT recapture that moment. *wink*
I know for the wedding, that these pages were designed for, the photographer has already been instructed what PHOTO SHOTS they need to get...and these are included. LOL
Anyway.... this one is HERE if you want it..
and the 2nd page is for the Bride and Groom with their best friends.... who else...the Maid of Honor [moh] and Best Man [bm]...if you want this one you can grab it HERE
Take care...be safe, and please, remember Chris and his family in your prayers. When you go to church, tonight, tomorrow or whenever, put in a special prayer request, could you do that please? Thank You So Much.
I'll see you all tomorrow, if the Lord's willing. God Bless you all. *hugz*
Now...for those pages you have been waiting for...:-) OH...did you take advantage of the April Fools sale going on at Treasured Scraps? I hope you did. You will be glad you did, if you did. :-) If you didn't, you better hurry, it's today only!
Today, I am giving you two very special pages used in a wedding.
1. The first one is to capture that special moment...when the bride comes walking through the door and the groom sees her for the first time...
2. and the other half of this page is for the that speical moment when the bride comes through the door and she sees her groom for the first time.
Psssst....Somebody better have those cameras ready, you can NOT recapture that moment. *wink*
I know for the wedding, that these pages were designed for, the photographer has already been instructed what PHOTO SHOTS they need to get...and these are included. LOL
Anyway.... this one is HERE if you want it..
QP10 [Wedding March]
and the 2nd page is for the Bride and Groom with their best friends.... who else...the Maid of Honor [moh] and Best Man [bm]...if you want this one you can grab it HERE
QP11 [Bride with MOH and Groom with BM]
I hope you can use these... They turned out really well. TY all for visiting my blog and come back tomorrow and I will have these pages for you...
QP12 [type or paste the wedding vows onto this page]
& QP13 [the bride placing the ring onto the grooms hand and vise-versa]
Well, kids, the wedding's almost over...then we will move on to the reception... NO...not yet... there's still a couple more pages after these. *wink*Take care...be safe, and please, remember Chris and his family in your prayers. When you go to church, tonight, tomorrow or whenever, put in a special prayer request, could you do that please? Thank You So Much.
I'll see you all tomorrow, if the Lord's willing. God Bless you all. *hugz*
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Garden Theme post on Apr. 02, 2009. Thanks again.
Thanks again! This is great!
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